
Would it be possible to create a way to tag characters or other definitions? E.g. by using a new field type. This could be radio buttons or check boxes e.g.
The idea would be to use them to sort characters by different categories, e.g. “religious/not religious” (checkbox yes/no) or e.g. “nationalities” (radio buttons).

Thanks a lot!

1 « J'aime »

@s4a thanks for the feature suggestion. That could be done by a new custom type of field, « dropdown », I would need to implement that. The organizers would be able to define as many dropdown types they want, each with a list of available choices. E.g. the « religion » dropdown would have the options « religious » and « not religious », the « nationalities » dropdown would have one option for each nationality, etc. This was requested a while ago by @celcap81(French post).

  1. would this approach work for you? if so, as that is the second time it is requested, I’d look into that. That may take some time to implement though.

The idea would be to use them to sort characters by different categories

  1. do you mean sorting from the page listing the characters, or « just » by searching with the search box or something else?
  1. Yes, that sounds totally like something that would work
  2. Just the search box would be tricky, e.g. when searching for “religious” all “non religious” would also show up. I was thinking of a filter for the list of characters e.g. or something similar.

Just the search box would be tricky, e.g. when searching for “religious” all “non religious” would also show up. I was thinking of a filter for the list of characters e.g. or something similar.

OK I see. I’m not sure if the custom dropdown is the right approach then.

What about a more classic tagging system: there would be for each PC, NPC, group, element, etc. a new organizer field « tags » where organizers could assign zero, one or more tags of their choice (« religious », « non religious », « nationality1 », « nationality2 », etc). Each tag name would be clickable and when clicked it would show the tag page where would be listed all the PCs, NPCs, groups, elements, etc. tagged with this tag.

What do you think? If needed we can have a call when I’m back from vacations to discuss a solution.

This sounds even better than what I came up with, so YES, that would be exactly what I was looking for.