Hi @danny,
Welcome on this forum and thanks for the kind words and suggestions
Would be great to create free configurable pdf templates (to excludes fileds that are not used for example)
I’m not sure I follow, can you provide an example?
and to add included items in the including element’s pdf as well, e.g. when an equipment is included in a plot the equipment pdf could be in the plot’s pdf apart from being printed in a separate pdf even when the equipment is included in more then one plots.
That’s a good idea, and someone else had already asked for that by email. I’ll try to do that in the near future.
If wanted I would like to assist to translate the tool to German. Especially for the print outs it would be great to have German headlines. in the documents.
That would be great! I need to find a way to allow other people to help with translations. I’ll contact you once I have a solution in place.
Separately from that I need to allow people to edit their field names. I had plan to do that (Rename Fields - #2 par Florent) but completely forgot I’ll do that at the end of this month. This way updating a field name from English to German in a template (e.g. the PC template) would update all those field names to English in the PCs.
For creating a complete plot book at the end including all the single items defined in larpwriter it would be great to be able to export the stuff to a word (docx) or odt file to proceed.
That’s the first request I have for this, so I probably won’t do it unless organizers from larps ask for it. Maybe you could use a free tool like this one: http://www.flipbuilder.com/free-pdf-to-word/