I do really enjoy working with the new version of this tool and create my larps there.
The following points are just improvement suggestions:
Would be great to create free configurable pdf templates (to excludes fileds that are not used for example) and to add included items in the including element’s pdf as well, e.g. when an equipment is included in a plot the equipment pdf could be in the plot’s pdf apart from being printed in a separate pdf even when the equipment is included in more then one plots.
If wanted I would like to assist to translate the tool to German. Especially for the print outs it would be great to have German headlines. in the documents.
For creating a complete plot book at the end including all the single items defined in larpwriter it would be great to be able to export the stuff to a word (docx) or odt file to proceed.
Welcome on this forum and thanks for the kind words and suggestions
Would be great to create free configurable pdf templates (to excludes fileds that are not used for example)
I’m not sure I follow, can you provide an example?
and to add included items in the including element’s pdf as well, e.g. when an equipment is included in a plot the equipment pdf could be in the plot’s pdf apart from being printed in a separate pdf even when the equipment is included in more then one plots.
That’s a good idea, and someone else had already asked for that by email. I’ll try to do that in the near future.
If wanted I would like to assist to translate the tool to German. Especially for the print outs it would be great to have German headlines. in the documents.
That would be great! I need to find a way to allow other people to help with translations. I’ll contact you once I have a solution in place.
Separately from that I need to allow people to edit their field names. I had plan to do that (Rename Fields - #2 par Florent) but completely forgot I’ll do that at the end of this month. This way updating a field name from English to German in a template (e.g. the PC template) would update all those field names to English in the PCs.
For creating a complete plot book at the end including all the single items defined in larpwriter it would be great to be able to export the stuff to a word (docx) or odt file to proceed.
That’s the first request I have for this, so I probably won’t do it unless organizers from larps ask for it. Maybe you could use a free tool like this one: http://www.flipbuilder.com/free-pdf-to-word/
Salut Florent,
Thanks for you quick reply.
With configurable PDFs I meant for example to decide whether a field will be printed on pdf or not. In PC items for example the field Other Names may not be used in a larp and so it would be empty always and I maybe don’t want it to be printed in pdf.
Renaming field may resolve the translation question actually.
With configurable PDFs I meant for example to decide whether a field will be printed on pdf or not. In PC items for example the field Other Names may not be used in a larp and so it would be empty always and I maybe don’t want it to be printed in pdf.
Ah, gotcha. I thought empty fields were not printed in PDFs but I just tested and they are. I’d prefer to change that (i.e. no longer include empty fields in PDF) rather than to add configurable PDFs. Would this solution meet your needs?
e.g. when an equipment is included in a plot the equipment pdf could be in the plot’s pdf apart from being printed in a separate pdf even when the equipment is included in more then one plots.
Actually maybe I misunderstood this one. Currently when you include an element in another element (or in a PC, NPC or group) using the « include an element » link, the included element will be directly displayed inline within the including element, and the PDF of the including element will directly display inline the included element, the included element will not be attached as a separate PDF.
Maybe I missed something, so don’t hesitate to email me with a concrete example so that I can understand better.
Renaming field may resolve the translation question actually.
Cool, so I’ll first focus on renaming fields, we can revisit the need for German translations in the future if needed.
@danny I’ve finally done that: you can now rename fields. If you rename the field within the PC template, the renaming will be also applied in in the PCs (same with the other templates: NPCs, groups, etc.).
Merci beaucoup for that.
Now it seems to be a mixture of the original English fields and the translated fields as not all fields are yet renamable from the templates, e.g. the headlines or relationships
@danny yes the fields you underlined are fields displayed only to organizers and/or headers (not field names) that are not included in the PDF for players. Please confirm if you need those to be translated too, if so I’ll put in place a translation tool and give you access to it.
Hi @Florent ,
I worked with this for a while and think I’d prefer the fields to be translated to as we for example won’t publish the details to our players.
I worked with this for a while and think I’d prefer the fields to be translated to as we for example won’t publish the details to our players.
@danny I don’t have time in the short term to add a translation tool but meanwhile if you want you can list to me the texts you need to be translated along with their translation in German and I would manually set that in the codebase so that you can see those fields and headers in German.